Yay for today's Travel Tuesday! And it's all about my recent trip to Nantucket. If you remember last year we went as part of our larger trip to Boston, Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket.

We obviously loved Nantucket so much last year that we decided to make a trip of it this year. This was actually part of my Christmas present so I've been counting down for some time now!

Anyways, we left early Friday morning on a direct flight to the island. From JFK to ACK it was about a 45 min (take off to touch down) flight. So to say it was pretty easy was an understatement.

We landed, picked up our rental car and headed off to our "hotel."

One of the cooler things we did this trip was to stay on a sailboat in Nantucket Harbor. We booked it through AirBnb (listing here) and could not have been happier with our choice! It was the coolest experience and the boat was extremely beautiful.

I mean, when you're vacationing on an island why not stay on a boat? We were really only planning on being there to sleep so it really worked out better than imagined. 

After we dropped our things off on the boat, we headed for 'Sconset beach (with a quick stop at Stop n' Shop for food) on the far end of the island. This was one of the places I wanted to visit last time but couldn't because it would have been quite a trek on our bikes.

We walked around a bit before heading to the beach. The houses there are darling and so extremely beautiful. The perfect place to snap some fun shots!

Shirt / Belt (similar) / Shorts

We spent most of our day at Sconset (I have the sunburn to prove it) laying on the beach, playing games and watching sea lions! They were so close to shore and it was really cool to see them that close. 

After the beach we decided to take a drive around that part of the island. We were originally going to go to Great Point Light because it was only accessible by Jeep (which we had) but we were thrown off by the price of admission! 

When we go back next time that will be on my to-do list. I heard it's quite amazing

After we drove around we made a pit stop at Surfside beach. It was really pretty and all, but the moment we hit the sand we were out cold haha. I guess a long day of traveling set in and we needed a nap.

Thankfully we woke up in time to make our reservations at Galley Beach. The place was b-e-a-utiful and so pristine. There was a bit of fog rolling in that night so we missed the serene sunset that everyone talked about but it was okay with me. I was just happy to be there!

The food was SO good. I would go back every night if I could. I can see why the place is so popular. The staff was super attentive, the meal was made perfectly and everyone was so nice. (I got the steak)

We made sure though to save room after dinner for ice cream. The Juice Bar was a favorite from last time and we made sure not to miss out! I got the cake batter with the home made waffle cone. YUM!

After The Juice Bar, we headed off to the boat. With the fog rolling in it was so erie but really cool. You couldn't see more than a couple feet in front of you and it totally felt like something from Pirates of the Caribbean.

I think it was originally supposed to rain Saturday but thankfully we got it all out during the night so it was a picture perfect day (we got really lucky with the weather). We hung out on the boat for a bit in the morning and then packed up our things and were off to the island.

We had breakfast at a cute little place in town called Fog Island. It was just what we needed to start our day and fuel up for another day of beachin'. The food was also the perfect hometown breakfast food so if you're looking for a place make sure to go there!

After breakfast we went straight to Cisco Beach. We made it to Cisco on our last trip and it was by far and away our favorite part. I was a little nervous going back because I was afraid it wasn't going to live up to this pedestal I had set in my head BUT IT DID.

I don't think there is any place I love more on Nantucket that Cisco. I was talking with Andrew and trying to figure out what made it so amazing and special. I couldn't put my finger on it but I seriously love it.

We spent like four hours there and it was awesome. The water was chilly but refreshing and there was barely anyone around. I am already craving a trip back!!

After the beach we went to the brewery for lunch. You can't go to Cisco Beach without stopping at Cisco Brewery. When I was there last year I had my first ever lobster roll and to this day it was still one of the best ones I've ever had. 

Cisco Brewery is one of the cooler things to do on the island. It's always like a big party there with live music, lots of food and beer and the cutest dogs!

Of course I had to go back and eat my famous lobster roll. And it was really good but not nearly as good as last time. I mean nothing is as ever good as the first time, right? 

Andrew got a scallop roll and I got lobster. We found a little place to post up and then we chowed down. I also just happened to be next to the fresh oyster bar so you know I had to get some. Now those were ah-mazing. 

After the brewery we went to go explore Ladies Beach which was just a little down the road from the Brewery. It was totally hidden and really secluded. 

We laid down and got our stuff all set and then we realized that we're both so burnt we probably shouldn't be laying out more hahah. Thankfully I said something because I was really burnt after that day.

Instead of beaching one more time we decided to take the jeep off-roading and drove around to explore some more. We would stop here and there to take pictures but it was awesome because we took the top off the jeep and just drove. 

After a little while we headed back into town and stopped for dinner at the Nantucket Lobster Trap. I got oysters (lots of them) and another (go figure) lobster roll. It's summer people, you gotta stock up!

The food was great and the ambiance of the place was really chill. A perfect place to stop and grab a bite right next to town. 

Of course we saved room again for dessert and made our way back to the Juice Bar. I got the same thing because I'm boring and I don't like to ruin a good thing!

Nantucket is always really beautiful but not nearly as beautiful when the sun is setting on the town. I mean just look at this:

It looks like something an artist would paint. The water was so still and the weather was perfect. Compared to the night before with all the fog it was surreal. We made sure to head back early so we could catch the sunset on the boat.

It was amazing.

On Sunday I decided to get up early and watch the sunrise. Because when you're staying on a boat, that's what you do! It was so, so beautiful.

I will admit though that after I sat outside for about 15 minutes I went back to bed! Haha gotta get that beauty sleep.

When I woke up again we packed up our things, took a few pictures on the boat and headed back to the island. We went to Fog Island again for breakfast and then walked around downtown visiting the shops along the way.

We dropped off our rental car and that was it! It was not a "goodbye" but a "see you later."

Shoes / Shorts / Top / Belt (similar)

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