Guest Blogger: Grace from A Southern Drawl
Hey y'all!I'm Grace over at A Southern Drawl, my personal style blog based out of Louisville, Kentucky. I'm so excited to be guest posting over here, because not only is Krista this crazy world-traveler, but her style is always fabulous. We finally met a couple months ago, and I not-so-secretly wished she would live Louisville. Buuuut I'll keep dreaming. Anyways, let me tell y'all a little bit about myself. I love all things awkward, southern, and stylish. I'm currently in grad school for bioengineering {#saywhat}, so I'm a nerd at heart. Style and nerdy things always go hand-in-hand, right? {Actually, don't answer that.}My style is classic, preppy, feminine, and occasionally unexpected {oops}. My personality, on the other hand...well, let's just say that sarcasm and I are best friends and that I purposely create awkward moments because I find it funny. Completely normal, I know. I'm loud, vulgar, awkward, and clumsy. I trip on the daily, usually in the most public of places. I find constant humor in everything. I'm that girl in the back corner laughing for no reason {#noshame}.Although I'm always laughing, I was definitely not chuckling when I found this ASOS shift dress on sale...maybe tears of joy instead. It's extremely lightweight and is the perfect little dress for summer! Leopard is always a neutral...even if it's bright aqua.Have a great day & thanks for reading!Disable your ad blocking software to view this content.
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