Getting tied up:
An inside pitch that prevents the hitter from making solid contact with the ball.

I'm really excited for today's post! Remember that trip with Tracy to Hilton Head a few weeks back? On our way home, we stopped by the Kate Spade outlet. I was immediately drawn to this white bow top (duh ... white and a bow?!) and it was on sale. What better way to celebrate a weekend away then buying a bow top on sale, right? I hadn't had a chance to wear it in New York due to the weather, so when I went to visit Caitlin the next weekend, I brought this bad boy along and wore it to my heart's content. 

I really love these photos Caitlin and I took -- the lighting is awesome! I remember the first time Andrew saw the pictures he was a bit taken back. I guess the big bow didn't fit his New York style -- silly boy. To change it up from how it's normally worn, I decided to pair it with some jean shorts and Chucks. I think it's very summer, and although others might think it's weird -- hey --it's me. I like to push the boundaries and try new things. Hope you enjoy!

kate spade bow top
krista robertson, covering the bases, southern shopaholic
preppy fashion blogger, kate spade
white converse sneakers, chuck taylors, chuck taylor optical white

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