Tuesday, March 25, 2014Getting tied up:
An inside pitch that prevents the hitter from making solid contact with the ball.
I'm really excited for today's post! Remember that trip with Tracy to Hilton Head a few weeks back? On our way home, we stopped by the Kate Spade outlet. I was immediately drawn to this white bow top (duh ... white and a bow?!) and it was on sale. What better way to celebrate a weekend away then buying a bow top on sale, right? I hadn't had a chance to wear it in New York due to the weather, so when I went to visit Caitlin the next weekend, I brought this bad boy along and wore it to my heart's content.
I really love these photos Caitlin and I took -- the lighting is awesome! I remember the first time Andrew saw the pictures he was a bit taken back. I guess the big bow didn't fit his New York style -- silly boy. To change it up from how it's normally worn, I decided to pair it with some jean shorts and Chucks. I think it's very summer, and although others might think it's weird -- hey --it's me. I like to push the boundaries and try new things. Hope you enjoy!
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