Monday, December 23, 2013Called up:
When a Major League team calls up or promotes a player from the minor leagues during the season.
To start, I'd like to give a little shout out to my very supportive mother who said (as she saw this outfit), "It would look much cuter without the shirt under it." So thank you for that mom. This outfit is now for you. What can I say? I like to layer. Especially in the colder months when I have all of these summer dresses and no place to wear them. I actually threw this outfit together before work one day because I wanted to wear my 'new' dress. This was a find at Buffalo Exchange in New York. For those of you unfamiliar, Buffalo Exchange is resale shop that just so happens to be a half block away from my apartment. Dangerous? Very. Amazing? Of course.
Just like any resale shop, it's hit or miss. When I found this Gap dress I remember not even being in the mood to shop and simply stopping in to browse, but the blue (of course) and the stripes caught my eye. I didn't even try it on (they have a good return policy). Just simply bought it and ran back home. I was pretty pumped. Of course I bought the dress in the wrong season, so when I was figuring out a way to wear it to work, I simply just added my favorite oxford under and it kinda worked (for me of course and not for my mom).
Some of the best items in my closet are from resale shops and consignment stores. Even some killer pieces from Goodwill. I mean, if I have the opportunity to steal a $500 coat or $300 purse for less than $100, I'm going to do it no matter the circumstances. Reminder: young working girl living in the most expensive city with the most expensive taste. I have to make it work some way...
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