Foul Lines:
 Two straight lines drawn on the ground from home plate to the outfield fence to indicate the boundary between fair territory and foul territory. These are called the left-field foul line and the right-field foul line. The foul poles on the outfield walls are vertical extensions of the foul lines.

 I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas full of love and family! I know I did, and I can't believe it's already over. Tomorrow embarks the biggest rivalry in Kentucky. UK and Louisville are set to meet tomorrow in basketball. In Kentucky, all people really care about are horses, bourbon and basketball. It's what we're known for! I'm a UK alum (weird to say) so of course you know I'm cheering for the greatest tradition in college basketball (aka UK). I wanted to find a more mature way to wear a jersey, so I thought I'd throw on my favorite polo under my MKG jersey.

kentucky basketball, uk basketball

What to wear to your college's sports games

krista robertson, covering the bases, southern shopaholic, southern blogger

And if you didn't know already, I'm a weirdo. Which is why the picture below was taken....

Go Cats!

Called up:
When a Major League team calls up or promotes a player from the minor leagues during the season.

To start, I'd like to give a little shout out to my very supportive mother who said (as she saw this outfit), "It would look much cuter without the shirt under it." So thank you for that mom. This outfit is now for you. What can I say? I like to layer. Especially in the colder months when I have all of these summer dresses and no place to wear them. I actually threw this outfit together before work one day because I wanted to wear my 'new' dress. This was a find at Buffalo Exchange in New York. For those of you unfamiliar, Buffalo Exchange is resale shop that just so happens to be a half block away from my apartment. Dangerous? Very. Amazing? Of course. 

Just like any resale shop, it's hit or miss. When I found this Gap dress I remember not even being in the mood to shop and simply stopping in to browse, but the blue (of course) and the stripes caught my eye. I didn't even try it on (they have a good return policy). Just simply bought it and ran back home. I was pretty pumped. Of course I bought the dress in the wrong season, so when I was figuring out a way to wear it to work, I simply just added my favorite oxford under and it kinda worked (for me of course and not for my mom). 

Some of the best items in my closet are from resale shops and consignment stores. Even some killer pieces from Goodwill. I mean, if I have the opportunity to steal a $500 coat or $300 purse for less than $100, I'm going to do it no matter the circumstances. Reminder: young working girl living in the most expensive city with the most expensive taste. I have to make it work some way...

layering, layers, stripe blue dress, birkin
Dress: Similar/Shirt: Ralph Lauren/Shoes: Calvin Klein/Watch: Michael Kors

transitioning summer dresses, layering dresses, preppy layer, preppy layering

fashion blogger, New york city, preppy, layering

Birkin bag, hermes

michael kors stop hunger watch, gold watch blue face, preppy, prep layering, stop hunger watch

krista robertson, southern shopaholic, covering the bases, covering bases, southern blogger, southern preppy

Players who have been in the major leagues previously (and were sent down) may be said to be "recalled" rather than called up.

Instant replay:
Video reproduction of something that recently occurred which was both filmed and broadcast live.
 Happy Monday, friends! Today is a day for another tutorial. This one is all about my lips. From everyday lip gloss to my favorite red lips for spring and summer! I hope you all enjoy red lips as much as I do. It really adds that finishing touch for your look. A lot of girls think they can't pull off red lips, but I promise you--- you can! Just go to your local Sephora or Ulta and find your perfect shade. You'll thank me when you do!

Also... There was a little blooper that was way too good to be left out. So if nothing else, watch the last 15 seconds. 8:45 to be specific...

Everyday player:
A position player who's a regular in the starting line-up.

 Sometimes, with these baseball titles, I like to make somewhat of a connection to the post. For today, I think I did a pretty good job (Other days of course it's way off). This is one of my "starting line-up" outfits. It's like a go-to for me: the sweater + vest + leggings look always works well in any situation. Whether it be work, errands, hanging around the apartment, or even going out. This look works. Obviously it's more for colder weather occasions, but you know what I mean. What is even better about this outfit is that it's mostly made up of things from one to two years ago. The sweater was a two years ago H&M find. While the leather look leggings (ahead of it's time) and vest were from last winter (Akira and J. Crew). I have to keep reminding myself that I have great pieces in my closet, I don't need to be shopping so much!

j. crew puffer vest, army green vest, green vest, j. crew vest, cable sweater
leather leggins, j. crew vest, stop hunger watch, michael kors watch, layers, vest and sweater 

preppy blogger, sweater, vest, sweater vest, j. crew vest, leather look leggings, leggings and sweater

michael kors royal blue purse, hamilton bag, stop hunger watch, blue suede shoes, dsw, penny loafers

covering the bases, krista robertson, southern shopaholic, southern blogger, fashion blogger, new york city blogger, nyc fashion blogger

how to layer in winter, j crew layer vest, preppy, blogger, fashion blogger

leather leggings, j. crew puffer vest, cable sweater, blue suede shoes, fashion blogger, michael kors hamilton bag

Instant replay:
Video reproduction of something that recently occurred which was both filmed and broadcast live.

Today is my second video blog! Today I'll be showing how I curl my hair. It's a fun process, but takes a while to master. Once you have it down, it will rock your world! My favorite product is this Conair Wand and believe it or not, it's from Target! Gosh I love that store! I'm currently in Orlando for the week enjoying some sunshine and baseball. Hope you're staying warm!

Pitchers' duel:
A low-scoring game in which the starting pitchers on both teams allow few hits.

Now since the colder weather is here, I've brought out my favorite jacket from the back of my closet! I got this last year on super sale from ASOS during the summer. So this is my first time actually being able to wear it. If you follow me on instagram (@kristarobertso) you've seen how I wear it with everything... And in this case, it's everything- even more stripes. I wore this outfit to work the other week and drinks out with my sister when she was in town. I was a little cautious, however when I bought this J. Crew Factory skirt. Honestly, a little nervous it wouldn't fit the tush. But it was generous in the hips while being smaller around the waist (my kind of skirt). I thought the stone color of the skirt also helped with the large amount of stripes. A good balance of solids and prints.

I also really love the place Tracy from The Right Shoes  and I went to shoot these photos! It's a little triangle of Meatpacking (9th and Ganesvoort St) with outdoor seating and hang out place. All of the cobblestone in Meatpacking really get to me! 

covering the bases blog, covering bases, krista robertson, southern shopaholic, how to pair stripes, chic style
Jacket: ASOS/ Top: J. Crew/ Skirt: J. Crew Factory/ Shoes: Tory Burch/ Necklace: BaubleBar

asos ovid coat, stripe jacket, asos jacket

double-serge mini skirt, j. crew mini skirt, j. crew factory skirt

j. crew shirt, j. crew top, j. crew stripe shirt

An umpire, referring to the typical dark blue color of the umpire's uniform.

My mom always said, "If you find something you really love, get it in every color." While I sometimes take this rule a little out of context (like nail polish, or shoes) I always apply it when necessary. For example: this J. Crew double crepe skirt. I first bought it in this royal blue color because we all know my weakness when it comes to blue things. It's just my color, okay? It makes my eyes pop... sometimes... and I always will have something to wear when I visit Kentucky to tailgate (which needs to happen asap). Anyway... I bought this skirt and have yet to look at another in my closet. I'm 85% sure it was made for me (15% realizing that it was not) because it is perfect for my body. Let me break it down for you:

Homegirl here has what we like to call a "big booty." Not fat in anyway, just big. I've always had it and I can thank my mom for passing it along and my sister for (what she claims) rubbing it into a perfect circle. It really is a family masterpiece that I think we can all take some credit for. Most of time having a big butt is a plus... except for those times when shopping for clothes, that are of course, made for people without said butt. Where I find the most trouble with this is skirt shopping. Public enemy number one? Pencil skirts. They just don't work for me. Unless there is a LOT of stretch, it's just not going to happen. My waist and hips are NOT the same size and people who made pencil skirts for some reason think they are. 

So when it comes to "work appropriate" skirts, my life gets a little bit harder. I've always wanted the very structured, great quality, and good material type skirt that would be a staple in my closet. And now I've found it! This skirt is honestly perfect because it fits my smaller waist while also having a mini (aka not overdone) flare around the hips/butt. It's just structured perfectly for my body and I know this type of skirt will never go out of style and will forever be a go-to in my closet. I love it so much I went back for the white and black skirt as well. Next up: the navy and pink. They all will be mine!

krista robertson, covering the bases, southern shopaholic
Top: J. Crew/Skirt: J. Crew (cobalt blue is on sale!)/Shoes: Calvin Klein/Watch: Michael Kors

jcrew, j.crew, j. crew, preppy, crepe skirt, double crepe skirt, blue skirt

covering the bases, krista robertson, southern shopaholic 

preppy fashion blogger, j. crew, preppy, prep, baseball, girls in baseball

j. crew stripe shirt, j. crew blue skirt, kentucky tailgating, Cobalt Blue Look

mini monogram necklace, bauble bar, bauble bar monogram, preppy

michael kors, michael kors stop hunger, michael kors stop hunger watch, stop hunger watch, gold watch green face, gold watch blue face

"Come on, blue!"

Butcher boy:
A strategy where the hitter first shows he intends to bunt, pulls back the bat when the pitcher begins the delivery, and takes a quick swing at the pitch. Generally used by weaker hitters such as pitchers.

holiday gift guide, for guys, for men, for boyfriend, what to get guys, presents for guys

Always so nice when my boyfriend lets me take his picture and photoshop a santa hat on him. (jokes, jokes... I wish!) But seriously, here is a list (all price points) of fun ideas and things to get the special guy on your list! Whether it be your best friend, your boy friend, husband, brother, or father! Everything from clothes and accessories to gadgets and tech cases. Hopefully this will help with your holiday shopping!

Instant replay:
Video reproduction of something that recently occurred which was both filmed and broadcast live.

Hi friends! I'm back to vlogging (shout out to my fran, Sarah Belle). Today I'm showing you my makeup routine! There are many more to come. Let me know what you think. All the links are below the video and below on this post!

 Sacrifice bunt:
A sacrifice bunt (also called a sacrifice hit or simply a "sacrifice") is the act of deliberately bunting the ball in a manner that allows a runner on base to advance to another base, while the batter is himself put out. If the sacrifice is successful, the batter is not charged with an at bat (AB). But he is credited with an SAC or S or SH.

Welcome back! Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break and dinner! I know I had a wonderful time seeing my family and stuffing my face. I also hope everyone had a successful Black Friday, which I spent sleeping in and working out. My day is today- Cyber Monday! Boy do I love shopping online. Just like on Friday, I've collected all of my favorite sales for today- so shop away!

30% OFF


50% OFF


20% OFF


40% OFF

30% OFF


50% OFF


20 % OFF

30% OFF


50% OFF


15% OFF Everything
20% OFF $150
25% OFF $500
30% OFF $1K


Today I'm teaming up with some amazing bloggers to bring you a special treat this holiday season! We've all come together to bring you a Winter Wonderland Giveaway. One lucky reader will be able to join the giveaway (below) and enter for a chance to win a $620 PayPal or Visa Giftcard! 
Amazing right?!

Below are all the wonderful ladies who brought you this amazing gift! So please go and check out all of their blogs :) And be sure to enter! You don't want to miss out on this! Happy Holidays!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The eight are: the Arizona Fall League, Australian Baseball League, the Dominican Winter Baseball League, the Mexican Pacific League, the Puerto Rico Baseball League, the Venezuelan Professional Baseball League, the Nicaraguan Professional Baseball League, and the Colombian Professional Baseball League. 



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