Bad hop:
A ball that bounces in front of an infielder in an unexpected way, often as a result of imperfections in the field or the spin on the ball.

Thank you ALL for such wonderful feedback on the blog. It means the world to me!! If you could help as well like Covering The Bases on facebook (had to get a new page). Just click below!

I know this is a little late, but this is one of the outfits I wore to LuckyFABB! I had a great time there and it was wonderful meeting a group of girls I had only known online. We also went out after the conference and that's what's great about this outfit. I was able to wear it during 'work' and then out for 'play.' It transitioned so well! I find a lot of my outfits can be worn for multiple occasions, which is really helpful in NYC. I know there have been tons of times where I go straight from work to meeting friends for drinks out.  I also like the colder days just because I can wear my riding boots! I know it's not for everyone, but I love pairing my riding boots with a skirt or dress. 

Also, fun tidbit, this shirt is a boys Ralph Lauren! It drives me crazy that the boys have all of the fun prints when it comes to their sport shirts. But I usually just get a boys large or extra-large and they fit just fine. just a tad bit short in the sleeves, but I roll those up anyway. They're also usually a lot cheaper than the shirt I would buy. It's defintely worth a check out!

covering the bases blog, southern shopaholic, krista robertson, fashion blogger, fashion blog, new york city blog
Shirt: Ralph Lauren/ Skirt: J. Crew/ Shoes: DSW/ Necklace: J. Crew

womens oxford, plaid shirt, ralph lauren polo

plaid womens shirt, plaid green and red shirt, plaid green shirt, tartan

white j. crew skirt, j. crew fluted skirt, double crepe skirt 

what to wear riding boots with, how do i wear riding boots, riding boots and skirts


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