Big leagues:
A nickname for Major League Baseball.

Maybe it's just me but when I think of the young b/millionaires out there, I think of them in a band/sports t-shirt and a blazer. Where their outfit says, "I'm professional, but I'm here to party." While also letting people know they're their own boss and they can wear whatever they want. I also imagine the outfit to be topped off with a pair of converse sneakers. Their outfit would almost be to a point where you wouldn't take a second look at them on the street, until their rolex (or overpriced something) catches your eye.

That's kind of my inspiration for this outfit. 'The Young Professional' as I call it. Especially since I work in a sports office where I'm constantly told my dress and heels are 'way too over-dressed' (is there such a thing?) I like to wear this from time to time. I fit in more with what everyone else is wearing (the whole t-shirt and jeans thing), but I like to add my spin to it (as usual) and pair the t-shirt with a fun blazer and some bling. So here's my every time I don't-want-to-wear-heels-to-work work outfit.

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southern shopaholic, covering the bases, krista robertson, fashion blog, new york city fashion blog, fashion blogger, southern blog

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Drawn in:
1. When the outfield plays closer to the infield (typically during close games) to prevent balls from dropping between them and the infielders.
2. Infielders might also play in when runners are on base so it's easier to field a ground ball and throw a runner out.
3. Single infielder (usually first or thrid) will play in when there is a possibility of a sacrifice bunt.

Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and enjoying the good food and great times with their family. As we all know, tomorrow is Black Friday! Now I'm not one for long lines or crowded places (why I live in NY I don't know), BUT I thought I'd round up some of my favorite stores and their codes for the Holidays. I've also included my list of things I have my eyes on to buy.  I'll be back Monday with more deals :) Happy shopping!

20% OFF


Nov 27 - 29 : 50% OFF:


Nov 29 - Dec 1: 40% OFF:


Nov 25 - Dec 1: 50% OFF

C. Wonder
Nov 27 - Dec 1: Save 30% off 3 items or more, full price or sale + free ground shipping.


Lands' End
Nov 26 - Dec 3: 30% OFF


Nov 27- Nov 30: 40% OFF


Nov 27 - Dec 1: 50% OFF

J. Crew
 30% OFF


J. Crew Factory:
50% OFF


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Bad hop:
A ball that bounces in front of an infielder in an unexpected way, often as a result of imperfections in the field or the spin on the ball.

Thank you ALL for such wonderful feedback on the blog. It means the world to me!! If you could help as well like Covering The Bases on facebook (had to get a new page). Just click below!

I know this is a little late, but this is one of the outfits I wore to LuckyFABB! I had a great time there and it was wonderful meeting a group of girls I had only known online. We also went out after the conference and that's what's great about this outfit. I was able to wear it during 'work' and then out for 'play.' It transitioned so well! I find a lot of my outfits can be worn for multiple occasions, which is really helpful in NYC. I know there have been tons of times where I go straight from work to meeting friends for drinks out.  I also like the colder days just because I can wear my riding boots! I know it's not for everyone, but I love pairing my riding boots with a skirt or dress. 

Also, fun tidbit, this shirt is a boys Ralph Lauren! It drives me crazy that the boys have all of the fun prints when it comes to their sport shirts. But I usually just get a boys large or extra-large and they fit just fine. just a tad bit short in the sleeves, but I roll those up anyway. They're also usually a lot cheaper than the shirt I would buy. It's defintely worth a check out!

covering the bases blog, southern shopaholic, krista robertson, fashion blogger, fashion blog, new york city blog
Shirt: Ralph Lauren/ Skirt: J. Crew/ Shoes: DSW/ Necklace: J. Crew

womens oxford, plaid shirt, ralph lauren polo

plaid womens shirt, plaid green and red shirt, plaid green shirt, tartan

white j. crew skirt, j. crew fluted skirt, double crepe skirt 

what to wear riding boots with, how do i wear riding boots, riding boots and skirts


Welcome to Covering the Bases! The idea behind this blog is to bring my two worlds together: baseball + fashion. I'm really excited about this new change, and I hope you are too! I've been working countless nights to make this blog just how I've always wanted it and now it's finally here. From creating the graphics, to editing the HTML, to going through all old blog posts, I've created a place that truly represents who I am. 

As you can see, I've taken some old posts from Southern Shopaholic over to Covering the Bases. They are all re-written and re-vamped to go along with this blog. It's easy to lose yourself in the blogging world (and lose your voice) and I just wasn't happy with that. Hopefully this will be the push that really helps me as much as it helps you.

So let me break this thing down:

Every post will have a baseball saying, phrase, or term with a short description explaining it at the beginning in bold italics. From time to time, the saying will make sense with the post and other times, it won't. Which is okay with me if it's okay with you. 

Sometimes you'll know the term or understand the saying, which is also okay with me, but there also may be times where you won't. Heck, I didn't even know some of these. NOTE: I am also no longer in school, so the use of Wikipedia as a valid source is totally fair game. Why? Because wiki is better at describing things in simple terms than I am and I like it. 

Every post will also be broken down into baseball positions 
(that you can easily sort through with the tabs at the top of the page):

First Base: Any and all fashion/outfit posts. 
Second Base: Everything related to brands I love and stores I shop.
Third Base: My traveling posts. 
Home Plate: Anything to do with my home, decoration and organization. (See how I made that work?)
Pitchers Mound: Videos! 

Again, I'm really excited to get started! So play around the site, sign up for email, and follow along! Thanks for making the transition with me!

On the board:
A team is "on the board" (i.e., the scoreboard) when it has scored one or more runs.

I'd like to think by now I have mastered traveling... but like all of us I'm really hit or miss. Sometimes I'll look decently put together while other times I look like I just walked in off the streets after a long night/early morning of partying. Either way, I know I'm always comfortable! I usually like to go with shorts (for warmer weather) or leggings (for colder weather). That way I know my legs will be free to move around the cabin. 

This look was one I wore when I came home from Napa last week. Although it wasn't exactly fur jacket weather, it was pretty chilly on the flight and yours truly was riding middle on the way back. So the coat was for when I was sleeping to either act as a pillow or a blanket. See how I made that versatile? (Jacket from ASOS)

I paired it with a Free People top and my favorite leggings. I actually bought these last year around Thanksgiving and was glad I did! I get compliments all the time when I wear them AND they are now in style. Go figure... Who knew that leather leggings would be all the rage this fall? I'd like to take some credit for being ahead of the curve...

I finished the look with my favorite new loafers! These bad boys are legit! Plus I thought ahead to security lines and the taking off of the shoes involved. Just popped these on and off. It doesn't hurt that they're super comfortable and BLUE. My very favorite :) But enough with all the talking.. here's my outfit:

travel in style, travel attire, traveling in style, what to wear when traveling

free people lace top, lace peplum top, lace free people peplum top, preppy lace top

blue suede shoes, blue loafers, suede penny loafers, royal blue loafers, cobalt blue loafers

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"After being shut out for 6 innings, the Sox are finally on the board." White Sox announcer Hawk Harrelson also uses the phrase as part of his home run call: "You can put it on the booooard... YES!"
(Shout out to my dad!)

A very high fly ball. Sometimes referred to as a "rainmaker" because it is so high it may touch the clouds.

I was lucky enough the other day to catch the sunset on my rooftop in Chelsea. Just some really cool shots I wanted to share! This city amazes me everyday. All photos are untouched:
new york at night, new york sky line, chelsea new york, chelsea apartments

new york skyline, chelsea new york, 10001, midtown new york, new york at night

empire state, empire state building, empire state building at night, new york empire state

chelsea, chelsea apartments, chelsea new york, new york at night, chelsea at night



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