Happy Friday! We have been dealing with the WEIRDEST fog lately in the city I just don't know what to do about it. I hate what it's doing to my hair especially... I just want to wear my summer dresses and have it be happy and bright out! Spring, were art thou? 

(testing my luck) gingham overall dress

NYC Life: I had an amazing event with L'Oreal last night in their new office in Hudson Yards and it. was. stunning. I so wish our new offices were going there (they almost did!) so now I'm super sad haha

Weekend Plans: I have really been all over the place this week. With trying to balance work, the blog, a social life, working out and writing my life has been a bit of a mess and it's translating into a messy apartment. I need to deep clean this weekend and get my life back together!

Most Popular Item This Week: This Hydrangea shift dress (for good reasons!)

Favorite Finds:
-I NEED this Milly skirt -- the print is just to die for
-Silver slides that look IDENTICAL to the Gucci ones (just for less than half the price)
-A cute shirtdress for the office
-I'm loving this print on this one shoulder top
-Everyone needs this dress in their life for summer

Favorite Blogger Post: My best friend Caitlin celebrated her six year anniversary of blogging and I could not be more proud of her success. There are only a few genuine people in the world like Caitlin and I'm first and foremost happy to call her my best friend but also so happy and excited for the life she has created for herself! Along with her family and boyfriend, I'm Caitlin's biggest cheerleader!

Song of the Week: I can't remember if I've already called this out or not but this song is SO GOOD. "It was The Song" my M&O

A Must Watch: The Haidmaids Tail on Hulu! It's messed up but good.

Anyone else feeling a little feisty this morning? Because I am, and it's about to get all sorts of real down here. No hate, just love and a lot of hot takes! 
I hope I'm not the only one annoyed and frustrated by the new Instagram and how it's killing my game. So instead of sulking over the change I did some research and realized a few things. I hope this helps for others who are in my position and, who knows, maybe you'll take something away from this 7am Thursday rant.

1. It's no longer about follower count, it's about engagement:
Because what's the point of having a large following if your engagement is half the size of someone half your size? I feel like for a while there it was all about "how do I grow on Instagram?" or "how do I get more followers?" Now it should be "how can I get the most engagement on this photo?" and "how can I make the algorithm my bitch work for me?" While others in the community know whose followers are fake, brands are starting to take notice too. Smart brands are looking for specific and engaged audiences no longer just big bloggers with a lot of followers.

2. You can't compare yourself to fake bloggers:
There are SO many bloggers out there who have signed up for this "like" agency or this spam follow account. You can go under your "following" tab and see some of the photos bloggers are liking and following and you know they aren't doing that themselves. It's a bot service and it's creating fake numbers for all to see. So while you should never compare yourself to others, definitely don't compare yourself to fake accounts.

3. You CAN stop creepy spam accounts from following you:
Does anyone wake up with 30 new followers and is like "hell yea!" only to see they are all sketchy men who follow 5,000 accounts and you're sure are fake? Same here. I attribute this to the above (bloggers buying fake likes or followers) and these "accounts" are now going through the suggested follow tab and following us all. Some might be ok with it because it counts as a follower but I'm not for it (I'm also not about blocking 50 new people every day). I did a little test run and if you are feeling up for it, take yourself off the "suggested follow" list under people's accounts. I did it for a week and the accounts stopped following me. I went back for two days (as a test) and they came back. You can learn how to switch it off HERE

4. It's time to slide into the DMs:
I saw a huge dip in engagement a couple weeks ago and I was like "WTF is going on?" I was posting vacation content (which always does the best) and I took to my stories to talk it out. I asked my followers if they weren't seeing the photos or seeing them and just not liking them. We started to have a conversation about it and it went DOWN in the DMs (turns out they weren't seeing it). So I started talking with my followers (every single one who reached out) and my engagement started to go back up. As a trial, I held a Q&A, showed off a new haul and reached out when I had more questions. Still replying to everyone who took the time to message me (and took the time to have actual conversations). My engagement continued to go up. 

I took this as Instagram realizing that the people I was talking with were my friends and wanted to see my content. I could be wrong, but I think the algorithm takes into account every single thing you do on the page and Instagram Stories and DM messages. I may not be the best at replying "omg thanks" or "thanks GF" to every comment on my page but you best believe if you reach out via DM, I'm replying. 

5. It's not ALL about timing but it's kind of about timing:
Remember how we all had found the "magic hour" to post? For instance, 9-10 pm ET was gold for bloggers. Well I think (with the new change) none of that matters anymore. Now I kind of just post when I want, and for the most part try to avoid "busy times" on my feed. Think about it: if everyone is posting at 9 pm -- including you -- isn't there a chance you'll get lost in the shuffle? On the other hand, if NO ONE is posting at 2pm but you, isn't it more likely you'll be at the top of the feed? I see it as less competition. I don't know about you but I'm personally on Instagram all the time during the day, not just busy hours. I would assume followers are the same.

6. Bots, fake likes, comment pods and "like" pods are ruining the platform:
Just stop. You think it's helping you but it's not. They are annoying and fake and not real engagement. I laugh sometimes thinking how much people complain about Instagram then do something like this to "beat the system" when in reality it just hurts us all.

7. Content is still king:
It will, no matter the platform or algorithm, remain supreme. Have good content, get good engagement. Try and stand out in the mass of bloggers out there. Be unique! 

8. Hashtags don't work like they used to:
I know there are a lot of talks about shadowbanning and if it's real or not, but either way we can all agree they just don't work like they used to. We need to accept that! I used to search hashtags ALL the time back in the day to find new people. But with the influx of people on the account -- all trying to be seen -- hashtags just don't work like they used to.

9. It's time to start being more "Instant":
There was a time when everyone was posting cell phone photos and mirror selfies. Then we migrated to professional cameras and fancy feeds. But now we're at a crossroads. People don't want to see your staged life anymore. They want to realize you are like them and want to see your instant life. I've migrated back to mirror selfies and they are some of my very best content. Just like we want the old IG back, I think our followers want our old feeds back. (Also no one does a better job at mixing iPhone and professional photos more than Caitlin!)

10. Your business account might be hurting instead of helping:
I switched to a business account and thats when I noticed things took a left turn. At first it helped and then it hurt and then it REALLY hurt. I went back to a personal account (I miss you, analytics) in fear of the "pay to play" Facebook rule and it's been a lot better. Content and likes are still down compared to where I was a year ago but we are starting to slowly climb back up.

10-1000000. Time to stop obsessing over Instagram and put the focus back on your blog:
One of the best pieces of advice I ever received on the blog was back at a blogging conference three years ago. It was: don't put all your eggs in someone else's basket. It clicked with me -- YES! It makes all the sense in the world. Don't put your time, effort and livelihood into a platform that can be gone tomorrow. Only focus on what YOU can CONTROL (aka your blog) and work hard at it. We've seen a pattern of this in the past with Facebook and their pay-to-play messing up people's businesses. Pinterest took away affiliate links and now Instagram with their new algorithm. As a blogger your first and foremost job is to grow your BLOG and remember social views are there to drive traffic back to your BLOG.

So those are my hot takes for the day. Let me know what you think/like/disagree with below!!

(P.S. follow me?)

There's nothing like summer in the city. Someone in a rush next to someone looking pretty :) You get that reference right?


Vineyard Vines: Button Up, old (similar HERE, tie shirt HERE) / Vince: White Skirt (on sale!) / Hermes: Oasis Slides (similar & more affordable option HERE) / Serpui Marie: Wicker Kesha Bag (sold out; similar HERE)

On Sunday we had the absolute best weather. It truly felt like spring in the city! It was one of those days where it was hot in the sun and cool in the shade; my favorite kind of day. I barely even remember it now since it's been raining since Monday, but looking back at these photos sure help. They weren't joking when they said April showers!

You know I've been on the hunt for a white summer skirt for a while now and I ordered this one on a whim. I really do like it but for some reason I feel like it's not "the one" for me. Don't get me wrong, it has pockets and is beautifully structured but I want something else. The problem is I just don't know what!

One of my favorite things to do in the spring and summertime is to grab my tried-and-true button downs and make them into crop-tie tops. You just leave the last 3-4 buttons undone, tuck in the back of the shirt and tie the ends together. It's simple and totally transforms any shirt!


I know everyone loves a good peony in the spring and summer months but I have always found myself partial to the hydrangea. Blue or white, doesn't matter to me. I just love them!


CeCe: Hydrangea Dress (top version HERE / see entire collection HERE) / Steve Madden: Leighton Heels / YSL: Retro Sunglasses / Bosom Buddies: Straw Bag / Nordstrom: Pearl Earrings

When I saw this hydrangea line come out, I about fainted. I want every single piece! I ordered the top and the dress at the same time hoping that at least one of them would work (both looked boxy online but weren't!). Of course I fell in love with both (see the top on me HERE) and am still *deciding* on what to take back ;)

It's taking everything I have not to order THIS other dress. How cute does it look?! But I feel like maybe I already have too much hydrangea; if there is such a thing!

Also sporting these new sandals from Steve Madden! I wore them in Saint Lucia but don't think I ever got a good snap of them. They are so perfect for summer and while they are tall, they aren't as tall as you would think! Since it's platform under the toes it makes for a very comfortable summer sandal. In my opinion, you can never go wrong with SM!


Happy Monday! This week is looking BEAUTIFUL weather wise so I'm thinking of officially starting my "no pants till fall" trend; dresses and skirts from here on out!


Ted Baker: Sipnela Dress / Sam Edelman: Hazel Pumps / Chanel: Quilted Bag (cheaper option HERE) / Nordstrom: Pearl Earrings

There is no doubt that I have a bit of an obsession with Ted Baker dresses (see: peplum sweater HERE, holiday dress HERE and my favorite HERE). Not to mention I just purchased this dress that will come in today! The bows really get me going.

Ted Baker, while on the more expensive side, is 100% an investment in the dress. I have always found their clothes to be very well made, sturdy, and of course beautiful. This dress above is no exception! I love the color and the bows on the side, but in general this is just a really fun spring dress. It would be perfect for a wedding or fancier family evening. 

I paired it with my go-to nude pumps but it would also look great with a navy or even a strappy heel for the evening! 


Happy Friday! Hope everyone had a great week -- it's crazy how quickly these weeks move by in the "real world" haha. Below is what made my week so great!!

Another yellow dress (that is SO cute)
A tiered tank that will go perfect with white jeans

NYC Life: Last night was my first MLB softball game and I cannot tell you guys the last time I played softball! I grew up playing it and also dabbled in college for IM teams but I was so nervous because our team is pretty good and I had no idea what I was like. But I made contact each at bat so I was happy!

Weekend Plans: The weather this week in the city has been pretty meh -- lots of rain and clouds so I'm hoping we'll get nice weather to shoot tomorrow. But other than that, I'll be cleaning, filming some videos and hopefully cleaning out the closet! I feel like it's time for another refresh :)

Most Popular Item This Week: These pink New Balance sneakers! I get them in today so I'll be sure to show you guys how they are in real life. 

Favorite Finds:
This bow front off the shoulder top is the CUTEST (and at a good price!)
Ok this is probably the prettiest one shoulder top I've seen!
Debating if I need this hydrangea dress or if I NEED it
My favorite fit and flare tweed dress back in a summer style
This bag looks awful similar to the Chloe one

Favorite Blogger Post: Sarah's new apartment video is LIVE! Yay I'm so happy and excited for her. I'm planning a trip down to Nashville in May so I cannot wait to see this place in person!

Song Of the Week: "New Friend" by Ry-Lo -- just is such a light and fun summer song.

A Must Watch: VEEP! Omg it's back and the first episode already had me in tears. This has to be one of my favorite all time shows!

A Must Read: How Dove is changing the way women are depicted in ads. Way to go Dove! I love to support brands that push the boundaries of what's traditional for the greater good.

Happy Thursday! Sharing two new videos from this week that I hope you enjoy! Be sure to subscribe to my channel HERE to never miss a new video!

Saint Lucia Vlog:

Packing Tips:

With the exception of one more look, we are almost at the end of our Saint Lucia photos [insert sad face emoji here]. But today is one of my favorites so I was really just saving the best for last!


Persifor: Margot Riviera Dress / Jack Rogers: Sandals / Bosom Buddy Bags: Canteen Tassel Bag (similar here) c/o / Saint Laurent: Mirrored Sunglasses / Lilly Pulitzer: Starfish Cuff (old; similar)

If you keep up to date with my doings, you know it's no surprise I picked up this dress. I'm a sucker for anything blue and white but especially for anything that even resembles toile, and especially this dress. In its purest form it's a shift dress, which I usually don't love for my body type (I'm a fit-and-flare kind of girl) but ya girl just couldn't resist.

The material of this dress is super sturdy and very well made so it's going to stand the test of time (which I am so excited for). I find myself buying a lot of clothes recently that I will wear over the next 10 years and ones that will make me a "cool mom" lol. Not at all thinking about kids but you get the idea...

Really just focusing in on timeless pieces (instead of trendy) and ones that genuinely make me happy and fit who I am instead of trying to fit someone else's mold. This is one of those dresses. Just looking at it makes me so happy and I can't wait to wear it more!!

(I'm wearing a M for reference)




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