I feel like there is a joke to be made about black and white and red all over here but it's just not connecting and I feel like if I try it won't be cute. So lets just hop into the post and laugh like I just said something funny!


Topshop: Tie Fluted Sleeve Top / AG: High rise skinny Jeans Sam Edelman: Black Loraine Loafers Nordstrom: Pearl Earrings Louis Vuitton: Petite Malle Smashbox: Liquid Lipstick (in Bang Bang)

RIGHT as we started taking these photos it started to lightly snow (you can see it in some photos) and while this is not a summer look, it for sure it's suitable for snowy conditions haha. I had to have Andrew hold me in between shots when we were reviewing the photos. He's a keeper that one! 

If you didn't catch the drift, this week is ~super~ *tRenDy* Krista with #allthebellsleeves and new fancy black loafers. Next week will be back with regularly scheduled programing!

I love the bell sleeve trend but I find it hard with a lot of items (especially dresses) where the sleeves just don't fit right. What I love about this top is that it's actually form fitting so the bells on the sleeves are actually accentuated. It makes it all more fun!

And I know I am SO late to the game but I really never thought of myself as the type of girl who could pull off loafers. I even tried on the Gucci ones multiple times and literally told Andrew I'm not cool enough. But I took a chance on these Sam Edelman ones and I truly do love them. And they are SO comfortable!! I wore them to work yesterday and they lasted all day without pain. 


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