I know I'm not the only one to think this but, man, do I love short weeks. Especially when you have a Monday off. It's the best thing ever! You already start your week at an advantage and are totally (somewhat) rested from the long weekend. I vote no more Mondays for the rest of the year!


J. Crew: Parka (also here) / Penfield: Vest (similar) / J. Crew: Navy Sweater / AG: Skinny Jeans / Ugg: Boots / Old: Plaid Scarf / Topshop: White Beanie (similar)

When it comes to the cold weather I swear I always grab the same go-to items. My red coat, my favorite beanie, regular jeans and a pair of Ugg boots. The only thing that ever really changes is the color of my scarf and the style of my sweater. Does that make me a bad fashion blogger?

I know it's not the most exciting outfit but this is literally what I wear on a day-to-day basis to work or on the weekends. While it may not be exciting, I do feel like it's regular and attainable -- something you guys would wear too.

It has snowed twice in New York this year and both accumulations have been gone days later. I guess that's the best way to have a snowfall! I think I'm just ready for the cold weather to be gone and some warmer temps to stroll in. That's a reasonable ask for mid-January, right??


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