Hi all! I'm here to recap my first day(s) of fashion week. If you're reading this, that means I'm officially done and I can go back to binge watching West Wing on Netflix. It was a crazy week (like always) and it definitely had its ups and downs. It's a big hassle running around for fashion week when you have a full-time job.

It all started last Thursday. I had my first event with Under Armour and it was a blast. We were celebrating Gisele's new campaign, I WILL WHAT I WANT. To celebrate, we got decked out in new UA gear and had an amazing rooftop workout.

Top ($24) // Bra ($24) // Pants ($35) // Shoes ($80) all c/o 

Two side notes: The flash tattoo didn't fully come off until this morning and I snuck away from the workout due to another event. Eek! So when fashion week is here, everyone thinks they're a superwoman and tries to be 100 places at one time. This was me Thursday. The UA and Old Navy event were literally two blocks from each other and I knew that I could make it to both. Little did I know I wouldn't have time to change or pull myself together. So sweaty, workout-ready dressed Krista ran over to Old Navy, checked out the place and ran back to catch the end of the workout. What the heck, right?! It was totally worth it and I don't care! This view was amazing though.

After the work out, I met Sydney at my favorite place (Cookshop) for dinner. Thankfully she did not judge my post-workout/fashion week attire.

Now we're on to Friday. After a full day at work, I ran off to the GiGi New York/Yosi Samra/Priv party. I snagged these monogram flats and this cute green clutch! After, Caitlin and I got some fun beauty services done compliments of Priv. I've never had a crown braid, so I thought I would try it out. Safe to say from all the selfies, I loved it!

Priv Beauty App

This look is compliments of Rent the Runway. I never know what to wear for fashion week and no matter what I get, I always end up wearing it once so I turned to RTR to help me get pretty for the week! Check out my Milly dress here and my Clare Vivier clutch here

Dress ($65 to rent $405 to buy) // Clutch ($35 to rent $210 to buy) // Blazer ($88) // Shoes ($195) // Earrings ($28 sold out, but found them here for $8)

Then it was off to French Connection to meet Katie. Really exciting to see their new line and can't wait to share more! Here are some photos from our time :)

She'll totally kill me, but I love this photo! I make her take dumb photos all the time. 

And that's it! We'll recap the rest of the weekend/week tomorrow!

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