Hey guys! I teamed up with some other bloggers yesterday on The Everygirl. We wanted to show you 5 Ways to Style your Favorite College Tee. All about looking your best for March Madness! Hope you check it out :) 

Here are some other photos that didn't make the cut! Go Big Blue!

A ball batted directly back to the pitcher.

Here's my second outfit from DC. I knew before the trip we were going to be walking everywhere. Because of that, I really needed to make sure my feet were ready to the challenge. I've been seeing these New Balance sneakers everywhere and I thought I'd give them a try-- they'd be perfect for the trip! I have to admit that they were harder to pair than I thought. I'm just not one for sneakers and half the time I wear these I still feel like a mom. But there are a few things that I really like them with. Case in point: this oxford. We all know how big of a sucker I am for these and I'm really not joking when I say they go with everything (ahem... the sneakers). I also loved how the red in the jacket brought out the red in the shoes!

We shot this look along The Tidal Basin. Obviously the cherry blossoms weren't in bloom since we were there in the middle of winter, but the place was still pretty gorgeous! Can only imagine how it looks in the spring. 

Winter leagues:
Currently eight minor leagues with seasons that happen during the "off-season" of Major League Baseball.

Whoever invented the peplum sweater is a God among men. And if I could live in the Ted Baker sweater, I would do just that. Just for one of those days where you need the warmth of a sweater and you want a break from the traditional oversized one with leggings you've been sporting all this winter. This is one to dress up and down, while also being extremely useful in the colder months. Plus, with the thickness of the sweater itself, the peplum pops out that much more. Can you really go wrong?

A shutout

If you remember, last weekend I traveled down to DC! I wanted to share my outfits from the trip. The first was one I wore for the train ride down and all the first day. I was inspired to break out my white jeans and take them for a stroll around our nations capitol. I've always had a special relationship with white denim, I mean I really love them. I've said it in the past and I'll say it again, I don't do the whole 'no white after labor day' thing. I think white should be worn all year round and if I weren't so dang messy I'd wear all white all day everyday.

I found that my LL Bean boots paired perfectly with them too. I really liked the contrast of colors, especially when I paired everything with my new red barbour jacket! I'm currently living in this jacket and my bean boots. This weather is just too cold not to! It really needs to stop snowing.... that or I need to move back south. Maybe both? 

Also, can we take a minute to talk about how well these photos turned out? The coloring of the Supreme Court steps worked so well as a neutral background-- made the whole outfit pop!

How to Wear White After Labor Day

This place was huge!

Thanks to Andrew who made sure to snap some wonderful pictures when the wind was blowing. Talk about some bloopers...


Road Trip:
A series of road or away games.

Welcome back to day 2 of our DC trip! We started out the second day at the National Mall. I was so consumed with the museums we went to, I completely forgot to take photos. We started at the National Air and Space Museum which was a lot of fun. I've always been enamored with airplanes, so I had a great time. We also bought tickets to the planetarium-- those things are always the coolest! After that, we walked over to the Smithsonian American History Museum. That was more Andrew's type, but it was still a very educational experience!

The next stop was Arlington National Cemetery. We both really have a special place in our hearts for JFK and we wanted nothing more to go and pay tribute at his grave. The experience was unlike any other and I'm really glad we were able to spend some time there. 

I loved how it looked over the entire city.

After Arlington, we started our tour of the memorials. First up, MLK Jr. Memorial. I'm a big MLK fan, don't get me wrong, but I was really underwhelmed by the monument. I personally thought it was a little offensive... he looked so angry/upset! I just never picture this MLK when I think of him. 

Across Tidal Basin, was the Jefferson Memorial. Since we were running behind, we skipped this memorial and just admired it from affair. (That and my feet were barking!)

Then we powered through the rest of the memorials. It was nice that they were all so close to each other! 

My favorite stop from day 2 was by far the Lincoln Memorial. I specifically requested we see it as the sun sets so this was our last stop on the day. It was really such a magical place and I couldn't have asked for a better way to end our list of spots to hit! 

Lincoln Monument

After a quick nap, we found a place for dinner called Firefly in Dupont Circle. I kid you not, it was one of the best dinners I've had in a long long time. The restaurant is dedicated to supporting local farmers and hand picking out everything. If you have a chance to ever stop by in DC, I highly suggest you go!

And they even give you the check in a mason jar :)

And we end with some fun photos from the restaurant...

Hope you enjoyed the recap! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!



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