First weekend update of the year who is ready! It's a longggg one so buckle up!

Shopping: (a lot to catch up on)
-Bernardo down coat (super thin but REALLY warm)
-Spanx leather leggings -- they live up to the hype

-Travel size advanced night cream (have heard great things) and eye recovery cream

Reading: I haven't read this week but I'm in the middle of Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

NYC Life: There was a HUGE snow storm yesterday and with that I haven't been outside in a day. NOT looking forward to going out today either. It's just too darn cold!

Weekend Plans: We have a busy day Saturday -- cleaning out more of the apartment, blog shoot and traveling up for dinner with his parents. Then Sunday is all work on the blog -- I'm going to f-i-l-m finally and hope to have something for you guys next week!

Most Popular Item This Week: This LL Bean fleece pullover (c/o) featured above.

Throwback Post: My neuLASH review -- I need to get back in the habit of using it daily. It really made a difference. 

Favorite Finds:
-A REALLY cute puffer coat

Favorite Blogger Posts Of the Week:
--Grace shared her 2017 review and loved to hear about all her success!
--Courtney gave us all a deep look into her brand partnerships this past year and it was really awesome of her to give everyone peek under the hood.
--A snow day hit Charleston and I LOVED Jillain's photos from the storm!

**PS I would love to feature some you guys -- the ones reading this post -- (who also have blogs) each week, so if you want to be considered for next week, leave me your favorite post from this week and I'll pick my favorite ones!**

Song of the Week: "Full Circle" by Quinn XCII -- Sydney shared this on her IG Story and I loved it! She always has great music recommendations. 

A Must Read: *Read at your own risk* This is a super scary story that really f--ked me up when I read it DURING THE DAY. It's this story that's been updated on Twitter basically about a ghost haunting by this kid named Dear David. Get your popcorn ready. 

-More light hearted: Frozen (but not dead) Iguanas are FALLING FROM TREES due to 40 degree weather in Florida.

A Must Watch: Finesse by Bruno Mars featuring Cards B. Watch this video guys -- it's AWESOME.

Amazon Purchases of the Week:
Random Stuff
-Finally got myself a water intake taking water bottle (can customize it)
-Trader Joes everything but the bagel seasoning -- I've heard amazing things about this!
-Command picture ledge -- I want to see if these will be good for organizing my sunglasses.
-So random but I want a cute silverware organizer and I found this which is better than what I have but still not the best, so well see how it works out.
-I need to take down my tree like woah and now I'm just waiting for my tree bag to get in!
-Gold plate holder for my decorate plates. 

-Sam Edelman boots that I hope are great for the winter
-Glitter sneakers because I'm trying to be more casual (but still cute)
-STAR SWEATPANTS hellllllyea

I must have been extra good this year because I was sure spoiled! Sorry this post is a little late but hope you enjoy!

From Andrew:
-Monogram Pinky Ring -- The best! I love this ring so so much and I'm so excited to finally have a pinky ring!
-Custom Neon Sign -- Like a year ago I talked about how I wanted a neon sign for above my desk but didn't know what I wanted it to say. Andrew made one for me that is PERFECT and was truly such a surprise gift that I love. 
-Chromecast -- We're thinking about switching over to YouTubeTV and for that you need a chromecast. Was SO excited to get this but we set it up yesterday and realized that it's literally just streaming your phone to your TV which we did not like. We want an interface that is it's own -- not something you need your phone for. 
-Travel Playing Cards -- We love playing cards and these are made superficially for the airplane (they're thinner) and I love them. 
-Pocket Knife -- I'm always opening boxes with kitchen knifes or my keys (he always roll his eyes when I do it) and he got me a little swiss army knife for my keychain. It's surprisingly super handy!
-Pictures of us -- For the apartment, I love them!!
-Blanket with Dixie on it -- It was more of a silly gift but it was so funny I cried. It's a huge throw blanket with her face on it.

From My Parents:
-Burberry Scarf -- This was for sure my big present and it's soooo soft. Excited to have it for the winter and it really is the perfect accessory,
-Invisibobble Hair Ties -- I love these and now I'm stocked up! They are the best hair ties and I won't go back to the traditional ones. 
-A Ton of Kitchen Stuff (for Andrew and I) -- like a TON! We're so excited 
-Donna Karen Deodorant -- I've only heard great things and so far I'm really loving this deodorant. I don't think I've tried a new once since high school but I'm really into it. 
-Travel lint Roller -- I think I need a lint roller for every moment of my life. Now I can carry one in my purse!
--I also got a ton of other little knick-knacks that I love (I'm very fortunate!)

From My Siblings:
-Vince Sneakers -- I've owned the grey pair for about 3 years and these are probably my most worn shoes. I decided to ask for them in black and now I've worn those almost every day since Christmas. So comfortable and chic!
-AirPods -- So excited to finally get these! I've developed mean headaches when I use over the ear headphones because they rest on top of my head. These have been great and cord free. I love them!
-Charging Dock -- I got this with my AirPods and think it's so smart. It charges everything and I've already set it up at my desk. So easy!

From Andrews Parents:
-Jade Roller -- I've heard great things about this and I'm excited to try. I used it on New Years Day to de-puff and I don't know if it worked but it for sure felt good!
-Nordstrom GC -- Because duhhhh I love Nordstrom
-Invisibobble Hair Ties -- more! I'm so excited!!

It's here! Have you guys shopped yet?? The best. sale. ever!

My Top Picks:

Top Row (left to right): Delphine Silk Tunic (my favorite from the sale) Pearl Shift Dress / Paley Sweater DressJoelle Dress / Cabrey Shift Dress
Second Row: Mila Shift Dress / Layton Shift Dress (great for work!) / June Shift Dress / Amberly T-Shirt Dress (have and love) / Pajama Pant (LOVE mine)
Bottom Row: Hat (on sale for $49 marked down from $148!) // Bag

Items that I Already Have and Love:

My favorite coverup marked down to $69

I know that goals and resolutions are kind of the same thing but I never like to say I'm setting new year resolutions because I feel like those are just set up to fail. Doing something for a full year is a really long time! So instead, I'm setting goals for myself.

Surprisingly, this is the first time on the blog I'm setting them in the new year (I usually set them around my New York Anniversary) but I'm really feeling the "fresh start" this year. Some are longterm, some are easy fixes but they're all things I would like to achieve in 2018. Enjoy!

1. Stay consistent with working out
Last month I started BBG and I hope to stick with it. What is awesome is Andrew has decided to do it with me (he modifies it to fit his needs) and so now we're able to hold each other accountable and stick to the routine together. I'm never actually happy to work out, but after we finish I'm always glad we did it. 

2. Increase my monthly savings
Over the past two years I've gotten really good at aggressively saving (it was a goal from 2015!). I've been working with my personal advisor and twice a month an amount is pulled from my accounts and put into my savings. We've been at this number for about six months and I think we need to increase it! 

3. Get in control of my spending
I was doing my blog expenses for the year, looking over my past bills and spending from 2017 and -- woof -- I spent A LOT. I know it's part of the job, and I put a lot of money back into it, but I wasn't happy with how much I was spending. Just like I want to save more, I want to spend less. I realized I don't have much of a budget for purchases, and I'm not really paying attention to the income and expenditures. In some ways, this is great because I don't have that stress but it's also unnecessary because I could be saving more.

4. Write half a book
I think I mentioned this in a random blog post last year but I really want to write a book. I have the plot, the characters and the ideas all ready to go I just need to write it down. I realized adding another full-time job to my already busy plate was a bigger challenge than anticipated. So I'm setting a goal for myself to write half a book -- not the whole thing. But just 100/150 or so pages.

5. Wake up earlier
There was a month or two where I got in the routine of waking up at 7 and starting my day. I LOVED how much extra time I had to do things and I really would love to get back into that habit. It's just a mind over matter thing and something that is easily done so let's do it!

For the Apartment:
1. Get a new couch
I have this awesome blue couch from World Market that I love but it's getting old and isn't really the most inviting to spend a day on (it's more fashion over function) -- especially now that there is a new person in the apartment. So my goal for this year is to find a new (still blue velvet) couch that is comfortable, has a chaise and I would *love* (this is the hard part) for it to have a recliner but not actually look like it reclines. Any ideas?

2. Re-read the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and clean out the apartment
In the grand scheme of things, I really don't have that much stuff. We live in a 700 sq. ft. apartment so the option to have a lot isn't even there but I do feel cluttered by my things. I want to have an apartment audit and get rid of a lot. I read this book when I lived in my studio and was able to pack up about 20 trash bags full of items that I didn't need and it felt so good. I want to do it again and really get the apartment back in tip-top shape!

3. Shoot and video my apartment
I know I know I've been so bad about this!! But for a long time I never really looked at the apartment as "finished" but now that I think about it, I haven't really added anything new in months. So I guess that means we're done? I think after I clean out I'll get the apartment ready to shoot and we'll get this done. But you will see this within the year!

1. Write a long form post once a week
Looking back on my popular posts of 2017, I noticed the trend that almost all of the top 10 posts were longer form content; ones where I got more personal, more in-depth and more real with you guys. I love to write (obviously) but I just fell into the routine of typing a paragraph or two and hitting publish (life gets busy!). So my goal is to plan more in advance and to find a time to sit down and write a longer form blog post. I just need some ideas about what to write about!

2. Show more everyday and casual style
I really love to wear dresses and skirts. They are honestly my favorite, but when I was looking back on 2017 I realized I didn't show you more of my everyday / casual side. I know we all have those "I just want to be comfortable" days and so my hope is to share mine with you more often. Less heels, more sneakers!

3. Be better about emails
I really really fell off on emails this year. Between how crazy work was and the influx of blog emails I got overwhelmed. I used to just reply to them when I had some free time but now I think I need to set aside time to specifically work through emails and answer not just some, but all, and hold myself to it!

4. Get back to YouTube
I feel like I was really great about this in 2016 but I totally fell off last year and only published 20 videos (zero in the past three months). I love recording videos and talking to you guys, but it took a backseat because life got busy! So I'll try to do one video a month and see how it goes. I'm not totally going to overwhelm myself but I'll get back in the swing of things and go from there. 


If you guys want to see any individual blog posts about any of the goals above, let me know in the comments below! I'm happy to write something up and am looking for new ideas for posts in 2018!

It's coming!!

The best sale of the year is just around the corner and I'm so excited! This is always my favorite way to kick off the New Year. It may seem a little crazy buying resort items in the middle of the winter but if anything it's more of a kick in the butt to get somewhere warmer hahah.

Anyway! The sale starts on January 3rd at 8am ET and items are for the taking! If this is your first sale, let me share some major tips with you:
  1. Login the day before -- the site will go down the night before and being logged in already helps with a speedy check out (so you don't lose any items in your bag!)
  2. Get online early (set your alarm) - I usually login around 7:45 and just wait -- get ready, do other things, just whatever you do -- DO NO REFRESH YOUR PAGE. You will lose your spot in line! Lilly has a system so they website doesn't crash where they have a virtual line. Sometimes it can move quickly, other times not so much... so...
  3. Be patient -- it's just a sale and there will be items still there if you're not the first person to shop. A lot of times too the site crashes and you just have to wait until they get it back up. Thats OK! 
  4. Shop quickly and check out ONE time -- my super stealth mode trick is to shop all on one page and narrow immediately by size (you can find your true match size HERE on their website -- it's actually pretty cool. Just take a 60 survey and you're done!) then I shop my favorites, add to my cart and check out! Once you check out remember you'll be placed at the end of the line to re-enter the site.
  5. Check back daily for new additions -- Lilly is always known for adding items later in the day and also giving away some great prizes and promotions. SO be sure to check back whenever you have the chance after the sale has started. Thats when you find the prize jems!

You can see all the FAQ HERE to learn a little more about the sale this year and how to best shop it!

Other helpful links from past sales:

Happy 2018! Hope you all had a wonderful New Year celebration and are relaxing today. I would like to create more shopping collages this year so here is the first one and we'll see how it goes. Please let me know below if you like these or not! Need to know if I should keep them up!


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First Row (top to bottom): 
Middle Row: 
Last Row: 
Tis the season for cute winter boots! I've been seeing some great pieces all over and I've even snagged a few for myself. I have the Sorel wedge boots and LOVE them -- they are so comfortable! I also just added these Marc Fisher boots to my shopping bag, the shearling though the laces look so chic and warm. 
And I'm 99% sure I'm getting these Sam Edelman boots -- I love that they're girly with the heel but like kind of edgy with the color and laces. Plus they're on sale so who am I to say no?

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Thought we'd round out the year with some cold hard facts. Numbers, lists, items... think it would be fun to do a somewhat audit of the past year for both of our knowledge! I hope you all have an AMAZING New Year and I will see you in 2018!!

Favorite Things I Bought This Year (in no order):
  1. Steve Madden Fur Loafers
  2. Express Grey Joggers
  3. J. Crew Low Back Swimsuit
  4. Wacoal Sports Bra
  5. Theory Cashmere Sweater
  6. J. Crew Leather Pleated Mini Skirt
  7. Sam Edelman Loafers
Most Clicked on Items: This Lace Midi Dress (back in stock)

Most Purchased Item: Ralph Lauren Wool Coat (still in stock)

Most Popular Blog Series: What I Wore to Work

Top 5 Blog Posts (post from earlier this week!)

Our Top 5 Favorite Places to Shop:
  • Nordstrom
  • Lilly Pulitzer
  • J. Crew Factory
  • LL Bean
  • J. Crew
My Favorite Sponsored Post: Our year long partnership with Tidy Cats!

My Top Followers (they are here daily and comment!): Louella Reese and Dana Mannarino

Covering the Bases By the Numbers...
  • 35% YoY Blog Traffic Growth
  • 30% YoY Commission Growth 
  • 230 blog posts
  • 350 Instagram posts
Top 5 Blog Traffic Rankings:
Most Liked Instagram's of 2017:

To Whomever is Reading This: Thank you. I know it might not *seem* like I'm appreciative for each of you, but I am. I am, I am, I am. You guys who follow and read and comment along are the reason I continue to do this. Without your support I would have given up years ago... I've been able to connect with so many wonderful people since starting this blog and I don't think I'd be as fulfilled in my life without you all. So thank you for making 2017 another great year. I'm so excited to see where we go from here. 

Goals for Next Year: I want to do a more in-depth blog post about this in the New Year but...
-Get back to being great at emails (I've fallen off)
-Plan ahead for when I know life will get busy
-Be more active with my followers
-Continue to grow the blog
-Save more!



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